We take your complaints and appeals seriously and will ensure in assessing them that we look at the causes and action that we can take to ensure it does not happen again/reduce the likelihood of it happening again.
Complaints can be made against us as the Australian Federation College, our trainers and assessors and other staff, another learner of Australian Federation College, as well as any third party that provides services on our behalf such as education agents.
Complaints can be in relation to any aspect of our services. Appeals can be made in respect of any decision made by Australian Federation College. An appeal is a request for Australian Federation College’s decision to be reviewed in relation to a matter, including assessment appeals.
In managing complaints, we will ensure that the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness are adopted at every stage of the complaint process. This means that we will review each complaint or appeal in an objective and consistent manner and give everyone the opportunity to present their point of view.
We do encourage you to firstly seek to address the issue informally by discussing it with the person involved.
However, if you do not feel comfortable with this or you have tried this and did not get the outcome you wished you can access the formal complaints and appeals process.
Where the internal process has failed to resolve the complaint or appeal, you will be able to take your case to the Overseas Students Ombudsman (OSO).
More information can be found at:
We will cooperate in full with the OSO and will immediately implement their decisions or recommendations and/or take preventative or corrective action required by the decision or recommendation. We will communicate all actions to you in writing based on the OSO’s decision.
Complaints can also be made to the organisations indicated below:
The National Training Complaints Hotline is a national service for consumers to register complaints concerning vocational education and training. The service refers consumers to the appropriate agency/authority/jurisdiction to assist with their complaint. Access to the Hotline is through:
Phone: 13 38 73, Monday–Friday, 8am to 6pm nationally
Email: ntch@education.gov.au
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA):
Complainants may also complain to our registering body, Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). It is important to understand that ASQA does not act as an advocate for individual students and is not responsible for resolving disputes between students and training providers. ASQA only uses information from all complaints as intelligence to inform regulatory activities. More information can be found at:
Nothing in this policy and procedure limits the rights of an individual to take action under Australia’s Consumer Protection laws and it does not circumscribe an individual’s rights to pursue other legal remedies.